Monday 9 March 2015

Dravyaguna Reasearch 30 Abstracts upload till 9-3-15

Dravyaguna Reasearch 30 Abstracts upload  till 9-3-15

Data Base of Ayurvedic Post Graduate Research in the subject  Dravyaguna vignyan  ( Ayurvedic Herbology ) – Total 30 Abstract Upload till 9-3-15

1)   Hepatotropic role of Tephrosia purpurea (Sharapunkha).
2)   Study of efficacy of sahacara on grey hair and comparison of it with that of markava.Read more --
3)   Developing & assessing the efficacy of Ayurvedic Insecticidal & Insect Repellent plants useful in Agriculture & Horticulture under laboratory field conditions. Read more --
4)   Study of the effect of ‘Vanari Gutika’ in Oligozosspermia to assess the spermatogenetic property of Vanari (Mucuna pruriens).Read more --
5)   “Parijatak patra + Parijatak twacha + khadisakhar” Ya mishranacha ‘Kasaghna’ mhanun upyoga karun parishana karane.Read more --
6)   Effect of white Sariva ( Hemidesmus Indicus) in  Itching ( Pruritus) .Read more --
7)     Study of Medhya effect of Pippali in learning Disability of school going children.Read more --
8)   Study of Medhya (cognition enhancing) effect of Dadima phala (Punica granatum Linn) in healthy adolescents.Read more --
9)   Study of medhya effect of shankhpushpi with special reference to behaviour disorders in Adolescent age group. Read more --
10)               A study of Varnashodhaka karma of sariva (Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.).Read more --
11)               The study of efficacy of Ingudi Phala Majja (Fruit pulp) (Balanites aegyptica Linn) in the management of Chloasma (Vyanga) .Read more --
12)               The Literary study of Vasa ( Adhatoda Vasica)  .Read more -
13)               A study of Krumighna (Pesticidal)  Property of koshamra seeds (Schleichera oleosa (Lour) Oken.) .Read more --
14)               A study of  Toxic Effects of chitrak (Plumbago zeylenica Linn).Read more --
15)               Study of Musta (Cyperas rotundus) & its clinical assessment in relation to Amapachan particularly in diseases like nawa Jwar & atisar .Read more --
16)               Palashbeeja choornache( Powder)  Aushadhi gundharma anityacha gandupada kruminvar (common round warms) honara parinama.Read more --
17)               Experimental measurements of madhura & Amla Rasa.Read more -
18)               A study of standardization of Ashuddha( Impure) & Shuddha ( Pure)  Dhattura seeds.Read more -
19)               Study of keshya effect of Gambhari Phala (Fruit of Gmelina arborea Roxb) in Palitya (premature graying of hair).Read more --
20)               The study of Shalmali (Bombax malabarica Dc) with special reference to its efficacy on mukhadushika ( Acne Vulgaris).Read more --
21)               Comparative study of efficacy of different Taila snehas in snehpak kalpana with special reference to Haridradi Taila ( Medicated oil with Turmeric) .Read more --
22)               Experimental measurement ( Organoleptic) of madhura rasa ( Sweet Taste).Read more --
23)               Study of Keshya Karma( Hair Tonic) of Nirgundi.Read more --
24)               Experimental measurement of Tikta Rasa(Bitter Taste).Read more -
25)               Exhaustive study of vruddhadaru with special reference to Rasayana(e.g Anti ageing property).Read more --
26)               Experimental measurement of kashaya Rasa( Astringest Taste) .Read more --
27)                Selection of Ayurvedic anti-malarial plants, Design of an anti malarial formulation and clinical evaluation.Read more --
28)               Comparative study on the efficacy of indigenous in recurrent primary varicocele and Non operated varicocele causing male infertility.Read more --
29)               Study of Kusumbha oil (Carthamus Tinctoris Linn) w. r. s. Lomashatana Karma (depilating action).Read more --
30)               Comparative evaluation of Medhya effects of Ashwagandha & Shatavari in the management of generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).Read more --

Monday 23 February 2015

Comparative evaluation of Medhya effects of Ashwagandha & Shatavari in the management of generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Title: - Comparative evaluation of Medhya effects of Ashwagandha & Shatavari in the management of generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 

Dr. P. P. Sethi had submitted her dissertation in 2007Year, for the P.G. degree M.D. Dravyaguna (Ayurvedic Pharmacology). Her guide was Dr. T. M. Nesari & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to MUHS. 

Dr. Sethi had done a clinical study of Ashwagandha and Shatavari tablets in 40 patients of GAD, to assess their cognition enhancing (Medhya) effect. 

Total 40 patients were divided into 4 groups 10 patients in Group A received Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) tablets. 10 Patients in Group A received Shatavari (Aspaeagus racemosus) tablets. 10 patients in Group C received Ashwagandha + Shatavari combined tablets. 10 patients of Group D was placebo group received starch tablet in divided dose of 3 Gms per day with water for 2 months.  

The criteria of assessment was as follows – 

1)    Gradation of signs & symptoms of GAD as per Hamilton Rating Scale of Anxiety (HAM-A) & DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.

2)    Gradation of signs & symptoms of chinta & chittodwega.

3)    NIMHANS proforma (Bangalore) was used for assessment of mental health based upon Ayurvedic parameters. 

The research work was concluded as follows- 

1)    Tab Ashwagandha & Shatavari ( Mixed )  2 tab TDS ( Each tab of 500 mg)  -- Both the drugs proved to be effective in reducing the symptoms of GAD ( Generalized Anxiety Disease )  

2)    Ashwagandha was the drug of choice in symptoms like anxious mood, Fears, Insomnia, respiratory symptoms, Genitto-urinary symptoms, Autonomic symptoms.

3)    Shatavari was the drug of choice in symptoms of GAD like tension, Somatic (muscular), Somatic (sensory) GI symptoms Autonomic symptoms & behavior at interview.

4)    Combined group of Ashwagandha & Shatavari was the drug of choice in symptoms like anxious mood, fear, insomnia, behavior at interview, but more effective in intellectual, depressed mood & symptoms of CVS.

5)    The drug was also effective in improving cognition enhancing effect

     (Dhi & Dhruti & Smruti)

Study of Kusumbha oil (Carthamus Tinctoris Linn) w. r. s. Lomashatana Karma (depilating action).

Title: -  Study of Kusumbha oil (Carthamus Tinctoris Linn) w. r. s. Lomashatana Karma (depilating action). 

Dr. Lopamudra S. Samale had submitted her dissertation in 2009Year, forthe P.G. degree M.D. Dravyaguna (Ayurvedic Pharmacology). Her guide was Dr. T. M. Nesari & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to MUHS. 

Dr. Samale had done a clinical study on ‘Kusumbha oil’ to assess its hair removal effect or retardation in re-growth of hair, on 60 females, between 18-36 age groups. 

Total 60 patients were classified into 2 groups. Group A (30 females) received Kusumbha oil for local massage after hair removing (through waxing) for 15 minutes daily for 2 months. Group B (placebo group of 30 females) received sesamum oil in same manner like group A.  

To determine adverse effect skin sensitivity test (Patch test) was carried out. Criteria of assessment of drug was – 

1)    Gradation of excessive hair on their hands.

2)    Hair count in 2 cm. sq. area at the extensor aspects of right forearm by using Hair follicle count test BT & AT 

The research work was concluded as follows- 

1)    Significant depilating action was achieved on body hair after Kusumbha oil for local massage after hair removing (through waxing) for 15 minutes daily for 2 months 

2)    Kusumbha oil increased life span of re-growth of hair after removal of hair by waxing.

3)    Kusumbha oil was more effective in retardation or hamper re-growth of hair.

4)    There was no effect of sesamum oil in retardation or hamper regrowth of hair.



Friday 20 February 2015

:- Comparative study on the efficacy of indigenous in recurrent primary varicocele and Non operated varicocele causing male infertility.

 Title:- Comparative study on the efficacy of indigenous in recurrent primary varicocele and Non operated varicocele causing male infertility. 

Dr. Satheesan Nambiar V. P. had submitted his dissertation in 1997 Year, for the P.G. degree Ph. D. Ayurveda. His guide was Dr. S.  I. Nagaral & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to University of Pune

Dr. Satheesan had done clinical study to assess the efficacy of sahacharadi oil orally  & basti  alone or in combination in the management of varicocele causing male infertility.  

Total 120 cases were taken for study. Sixty cases with past history of either varicocelectomy or high ligation of internal testicular veins were grouped into sun-groups viz AI, AII & AIII. Group AI received only sahacharadi oil. Group AII received Sahacharadi enema while Group AIII received combination of both procedures.

Another 60 Non operated cases of varicocele were also classified into 3 sub groups viz BI, BII, BIII receiving the respectively for a period of 30 days & follow up for six months were done. 

All groups were recorded & tabulated for the following parameters- 

1)    Assessment of clinical varicocele—arbitrary scale.

2)    Measurement of the varicocele in millimeters.

3)    Temperature of testis in degree Fahrenheit.

4)    Sperm count in millions per mili Liters.

5)    Sperm motility grades-IV, III, II & I in percentage.

6)    Morphological abnormalities & head, neck & Tail in percentage. 

The research work was concluded as follows-

1)    There was an intimate relationship between classical etiological factors & genesis of siragranthy / varicocele. The present day life pattern which included activities like driving, standing for long periods, working in night shifts etc participated this condition.

2)    Varicocele adversely affected the counter heat exchange mechanism causing evaluation of testicular temperature which in turn decreased spermatogenesis & sperm viability resulting in infertility.

3)    Outcome of surgical management was not satisfactory, but medical management after surgery yields better result.

4)    Sahacharadi oil orally & through enema (Basti) when used in combination gave better results than when used individually in the patients of Varicocele

5)    Sahacharadi oil orally administered group was better when compared to enema group.


:- Selection of Ayurvedic anti-malarial plants, Design of an anti malarial formulation and clinical evaluation.

 Title:- Selection of Ayurvedic anti-malarial plants, Design of an anti malarial formulation and clinical evaluation. 

Dr. N. B. Ghiware had submitted her dissertation in 2000 Year, for the P.G. degree M. Phil. Ayurved. Her guide was Dr. J.  K. Barde & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to University of Pune. 

Dr. Ghiware had done clinical study on two plants viz. Piper nigrum (maricha) & Nictanthus arbortoitis (Parijatak) to assess their efficacy against malaria. 

30-40 patients were selected who showed positive smear for P. vivax, P. ovale or P. malariae and the symptoms associated with Headache, Body ache, Chills, Anemia, fever & nausea or vomiting like symptoms.  

Tablets were prepared from 250 mg dried unripe fruits of maricha & 250 mg dried leaves of parijataka and given in a dose of 2 tablets twice a day with gap of 12 hrs for, 15 days.

Record of improvement in signs & symptoms was maintained after 1st & 2nd week of treatment & data was prepared. Effectiveness of treatment was judged only on reduction in signs & symptoms in malaria. 

The research work was concluded as follows- 

When Parijatak & Black pepper tablet was given 2 BD for 15 days ,it showed marked improvement in the patients of Malaria 

1)    After one week it is observed that condition of malarial patients was improved.

2)    After 15 days marked improvement was observed in the important signs & symptoms of malaria.

3)    Any direct effect on malarial parasite was not the part of studies.


Thursday 19 February 2015

Experimental measurement of kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste)

Title:- Experimental measurement of kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste)  

Dr. D. B. Puranik had submitted her dissertation in 1997 Year, for the P.G. degree M.D. Dravyaguna (Ayurvedic Pharmacology). Her guide was Dr. A.  P. Deshpande & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to University of Pune. 

                   Dr. Puranik had done an experimental study of astringent taste (Kashaya Rasa) to prepare the unit & scale for quantitative measurement of kashaya Rasa. 

          For this study 10 Kashaya ekarasa drugs (Drugs having single astringent taste) were selected viz Arjuna, bibhitaka etc. Decoctions of each drug were prepared in distilled water & same were serially diluted. Tastes of each of them were tested starting from a maximum possible diluted solution where taste was not perceived. This point was considered as a starting point. From that point gradually concentrated solutions of decoctions were prepared and tested the point of dilution at which the kashaya Rasa was detected for the first time in each of the decoction was noted & observations were recorded.  

          The research work was concluded as follows- 

In this study Lodhra & Mocharasa were found Strongest & Weakest Astringent respectively 

1)    The observations in this study showed that the kashaya rasa of  Lodhra was detected for the first time in 1:850 dilutions. Thus 1:18 dilution forms a unit of kashaya Rasa Thus lodhra is 850/16 = 47.22 units kashaya (Strongest astringent drug). 

2)    The kashaya rasa of Mocha rasa was detected for the first time in 1:18 dilution & other drugs stood in between, Thus Mocharasa was weakest of kashaya rasa drug series &forms the unit of Kashaya rasa. 

3)    There was a general consideration that kashaya rasa is due to tannin content of in it, which was not exclusively true as per findings was not exclusively true as per findings observed in this research work.

Exhaustive study of vruddhadaru with special reference to Rasayana(e.g Anti ageing property)

 Title:- Exhaustive study of vruddhadaru with special reference to Rasayana(e.g Anti ageing property) 

Dr. S. L. Dasari had submitted his dissertation in 2006 Year, for the P.G. degree M. Phil. in Ayurveda. His guide was Dr. T.  M. Nesari & research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India, & submitted to University of Pune.

Dr. Dasari had done randomized single blind controlled clinical trials on 60 geriatric patients to assess Rasayana and anti-aging effects of vruddhadaru (Argyreia nervosa).  

500 mg tablets of root powder of vruddhadaru were prepared and were given to 30 patients of group A in a dose of 6 tablets BID for the duration of 2 month. 30 patients of placebo group B was received starch tablets in the same manner as in A.  

Criteria of assessment was- 

i)                   Gradation from 1 to 3 was given for each effect of general feeling of well being & improvement in the quality of life as per CRF.

ii)                Improvement in gradation of signs & symptoms of aging (as per NIA).

iii)              DHEA-S estimation.

iv)              Fat percentage.

v)                PFV.

vi)              Haemogram.

vii)           Weight.

The research work was concluded as follows- 

Vruddhadaru (Argyreia nervosa)  showed  good anti-aging (Vayasthapana) activity in Geriatric persons when given in the dose of 6 tab BD for 2 months ( Each tab contains 500 mg of root powder )

1)    Argyrea speciosa exerted a good enhancing effect on DHEA-S.

2)    Argyrea speciosa significantly increased appetite in older age group.

3)    A. speciosa induced a note worthy change in well being of patients, and symptom of aging tiredness was improved.

4)    A. speciosa did not helped in memory in induced by aging in two months.

5)    There was no change in vision & hearing loss in old age.

6)    There was no change seen in hair colour & hair loss.

7)    The drug brought significant change in urinary complaints in males & females but there was no change in behavior of aged persons & in skin elasticity.

8)    The drug exerted good significant change in regulation of bowels.

9)    The drug showed enhancement in fat % & weight & significant reduction in ESR & PCV was improved.

10) There was no change in Hb% & in total leucocytes count

     In short Vruddhadaru shoed good anti-aging (Vayasthapana) activity in Geriatric persons.